There is a story I read a while back about a bridge disaster. A ship passing under the bridge hit part of the supporting structure, causing a portion of the bridge to collapse. Several drivers, who were unaware of this accident, continued to travel along the bridge. Because of poor weather conditions, they did not see that it had collapsed in front of them. Several of vehicles drove off the edge, plummeting to their deaths. I’m sure the drivers and passengers didn’t think twice about the conditions of the bridge as they drove that day. I’m sure they took the bridge for granted as they drove over it day after day.
is usually not until something serious and tragic happens that we think of how
important something like a bridge is. You, as a children’s minister, are the bridge between the
children you serve and Jesus Christ. If you are not there to help lead,
carry and direct the children toward Jesus, they will plummet into this world
and all of the mess and trouble the devil has planned for them. It is time to be
the bridge. It’s time to bridge the gap.
Someone must
be willing to step up and be the bridge between our kids and Jesus. Ezek 22:30-And I sought for a man among them, that
should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I
should not destroy it: but I found none. God is
looking for someone to bridge the gap. Maybe your church is looking for someone
to bridge the gap in the 4 & 5 year Sunday school class? Let your response
be like Isaiah’s, “ Here am I, send me!”
Maybe your pastor has been looking for someone to bridge the gap in Children’s Church.
“Here am I, send me!” Whatever the gap might currently be in the Children’s
Department, let your response be, “Here am I, send me!”
Sometimes it
might feel like a thankless job and that, just like a bridge, you are getting
walked all over. It’s ok, that’s what you are there for! To be the bridge and
to bridge the gap. To connect the students in your church to Jesus. Gal 6:9
says, “And let us not be weary in well
doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” KJV
Maybe you’re
not seeing a lot of results right now and have bee feeling like disconnecting.
Don't give up, don't pull away. Kid ministry is important. What you are doing
to serve the children and families of your church matters. What would we do
without the bridge? Keep at it and you will see results!
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