Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Year, New Goals!

Some time in the new year and near future, I will share some age specific goals that we use in our local children's department. It helps us stay on track and see what we are accomplishing in each class/age group. We have a plan and direction that we follow. Each class and each year builds on each other. We are not aimlessly wandering, we are going somewhere! 

Until then, have a Happy New Year...and a free lesson! :)

Attached (at the bottom of this post) is a lesson we came up with and taught at my church, Souls Harbor, last year. It served as a great way to kick off the new year. The whole basis surrounds Moses and the excuses he used on God. The lesson is about getting over the excuses and just doing what God wants us to do. That's exactly what we need to do in this new year. Get over the excuses and just do it! Just live for God! Serve Him and Work for Him! He has an incredible plan for each of us, if we will just get the excuses out of the way.

Also attached, is a goal worksheet that goes with this lesson. We have used this to help kids stay on track with their goals for the new year. *Here's a hint, grown-ups can use this too! ;) 

In your personal goal setting, make sure your goals are SMART!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Make A Right Turn

        Being in ministry means we are all about serving and working with people. One thing I have learned from serving as a children’s pastor, is that my job entails a lot more than just working with kids. A big part of my job is keeping and maintaining excitement and good relationships with the other teachers and leaders that work in the children’s department. My belief is that if I will effectively lead the leaders, they will effectively lead the children. There has been many times when I have selected the person I deemed to be the “best” to lead a specific age group or to lead a certain event, but I quickly discovered that the best person for the job is not always the right person for the job. I’m not necessarily looking for the most talented or most educated person; I’m not even looking for the most gifted speakers. I’m looking for the person who has a burden for children’s ministry, and who is willing to work in unity with myself and the rest of the staff. I want someone who is willing to give up their own methods to help us achieve the overall goal of our department. Find the right person for the job, not just the best or most talented one. If you are going to have and maintain revival in your department, then you are going to need some help. Of course we want the most gifted and talented people on our team, but we must understand that the success of our department is not dependent on the gifts and talents of a few, but rather the unity and teamwork of many. As leadership guru John Maxwell says, “Teamwork makes the dream work.”
        Before the Holy Ghost was first poured out in the book of Acts, we find that the people were of one mind and one accord. The people were in unity. The disciples did not allow personal squabbles and problems to get in the way of their relationships. They had a greater goal in mind and they would not let anything get in the way of that. We must be the same way. We must be willing to sacrifice our own feelings for the success of the group. This is why it is important to find team players, not hot shots.  Look for individuals that can be in unity with you and work hand in hand with you. Those that are willing to do whatever it takes to bring about revival with you. Once you establish a team of people that you trust and that you know will work with you and not against you, make sure you spend time with them. I don’t mean five minutes before kids arrive on Sunday morning; I mean make plans to eat together or meet once a month. This way you can invest in their lives and they can invest in yours. Your core team should be willing to do anything to help each other. Make sure your team members know you care about them. People do not want to be used and abused. They want to know that they matter and that they are cared for. Take notice and be helpful if things are going on in a team member’s personal life. Pray for them on a daily basis and pray with them in the altar. They need to know you are not just using them as a tool to accomplish your own desires. Take time to write a card, thanking team members for their friendship and hard work that they contribute week in and week out. Like I previously stated, if you will effectively care for and lead your leaders, they will effectively lead the kids.
        Again, make the decision to invest in the lives of your team members and other key leaders. Help build them up and do not allow yourself to feel threatened by those that are more gifted than you in certain areas. Remember: Do not look for the best people, look for the right ones

*This is a segment from my book- From Sunday School to Children's Ministry

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

A Gift Fit For A King

     With all the money that you are having to spend around Christmas time, I figured we would save you a few dollars. Merry Christmas! If you've been looking around for a specific Christmas lesson/message to share with your students this year, please feel free to use this resource that we have used and is very effective. Attached is the PDF of a Christmas lesson written by Theresa May (We call her Momma T and you can find her on Facebook if you have any questions regarding the lesson). It's called A Gift Fit For A King. This is a simple and powerful resource using the story of the Wise Men. It includes a short craft, game & lesson. Feel free to pass this along to your friends in Children's Ministry. I pray it helps you and your students EXPERIENCE the reason for the season! 

A Gift Fit For A King

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Ultimate Children's Minister

This is a salute to the ultimate Children's Ministers- Mom & Dad!

Children's ministry is of utmost importance. It is an essential ministry to a growing, thriving church. I believe we need to make sure our content is solid, our programs are fun and our staff is capable. The Children's Department of the Church only has (at the most) a few short hours to positively impact the kids in your church. We must do our best to make sure we are good stewards of every minute. At the same time, I think we need to change our approach and understand that children's ministry can take place every day. We just have to get creative and figure out how to get God's Word in their hearts on Mondays as well as on Sundays.

This is where the ultimate children's ministers come in. Parents have the opportunity to be a much more effective kids minister than I am. Compared to my short 2 hours with their children each week, mom and dad get the opportunity to spend hours with their children every day.

Deut 6:4-9
4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:
5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.
6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.

Rather than seeing ourselves in competition with parents, kids and youth ministry need to partner with parents. I'm not here to replace the parents influence and take away their God-given responsibility. Parents are the ultimate instructor and leader in their child's life. I am here to assist them. I am here to be that breath of fresh air on Sunday morning. I am here to provide a fresh shot of inspiration in kids church. I am here to provide the tools parents need to continually maintain their child's faith throughout the week. The church and the home are not in competition with each other. We work together.

Here at my local church, we TRY our best to keep parents in the loop with what's happening in the kids department. Emphasis on TRY because it's a learning process and no one's perfect. We are doing our best to connect with parents so they know we are on the same team. Now we do not try to overload them with all kinds of extra projects and events that will make them feel overwhelmed with their already full calendar. We look for simple things, simple tools to help parents in their task of raising kids that love the Lord with all their heart, soul and strength.

One such tool we have used is the Family Home Activity Guide. This is a simple idea that could make a big difference in your church...AND IT'S FREE!!! All it takes is a little bit of thinking ahead and a short amount of time to prepare. Attached is a PDF example of the one we use from time to time. This is an idea I found somewhere and tweaked for our programming.  There are 5 columns or categories one for each day of the week (Monday-Friday). It's nothing complicated and only takes a few minutes for each. This tool provides parents with the information that was covered that Sunday in the Kids Department and gives them ways to keep that message/lesson in their thoughts all throughout the week. This is a great way to 1) Keep parents in the loop to the happenings of your department and 2) Provides the kids ministry with a way to keep the message alive all week long. This is a great retention tool! Attached is a free PDF example of one of our home guides. If you would like the publisher version so you can edit and adjust for your department, simply comment or email and I will send it to you. 

Thank God for moms, dads, guardians and grandparents who are striving to raise up the next generation of Christians! We are here to help make the job a little bit easier and maybe a little more entertaining. Children's Ministry is here to share that burden. Together, lets CARRY ON!