Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Year, New Goals!

Some time in the new year and near future, I will share some age specific goals that we use in our local children's department. It helps us stay on track and see what we are accomplishing in each class/age group. We have a plan and direction that we follow. Each class and each year builds on each other. We are not aimlessly wandering, we are going somewhere! 

Until then, have a Happy New Year...and a free lesson! :)

Attached (at the bottom of this post) is a lesson we came up with and taught at my church, Souls Harbor, last year. It served as a great way to kick off the new year. The whole basis surrounds Moses and the excuses he used on God. The lesson is about getting over the excuses and just doing what God wants us to do. That's exactly what we need to do in this new year. Get over the excuses and just do it! Just live for God! Serve Him and Work for Him! He has an incredible plan for each of us, if we will just get the excuses out of the way.

Also attached, is a goal worksheet that goes with this lesson. We have used this to help kids stay on track with their goals for the new year. *Here's a hint, grown-ups can use this too! ;) 

In your personal goal setting, make sure your goals are SMART!

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