Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Curriculum for Valentine's Day/February



        With Valentine's Day fast approaching, everyone's thoughts move to L-O-V-E! All you have to do is walk around Wal-Mart and hearts are everywhere. This is a perfect time to talk about love with your students. I will be posting a lesson each week in February that is from a series we have done with great success in the past. The series is called- I love my... Each week we focus on showing love to a different person/group. The 4 weeks topics are- God, Church, Leaders & Neighbors. This series will help empower your students to move from saying they love, to showing they love! Feel free to apply the entire series or portions of it to your programming. Please comment or email me with any questions or thoughts on the topic.

Included in this attached document is a lesson, big idea, scripture, craft & object lesson/message.

Lesson 1- I love my GOD


  1. Thank you so much for sharing. I teach Children's Church every Wednesday night and have for quite a long time. I am ready for some new and fresh ideas! Your site is just what the doctor ordered!

    1. Thanks for the kind words! I hope it continues to be a blessing to you. :)
