I remember once, many years ago, I was driving home from an event and I was in a great mood. I was all by myself and having fun just singing songs and enjoying life. I jumped off the interstate and made a quick pitstop at a fast food restaurant. I found myself deep in thought but quickly jumped back on the interstate. Things were going well and I was cruising. I was making pretty good time too!
At least I thought I was until I realized I was going in the wrong direction! I had spent the last 30 minutes or so driving farther away from my destination. I wasn't paying attention when I had left that fast food joint. I had to backtrack and make up lost time and miles. All because I was not paying attention to my direction.
I think this can happen to us when we are working in Children's and Youth ministry. We are just cruising along, having fun trying to get through the next fast paced event, but from time to time we need to look around and make sure we are moving in the right direction. We need to implement milestones at every age level to make sure our programs and ministries are moving in the right direction. Yeah, we're going somewhere, having lots of fun and everything is fast-paced, but where are we going? Are we moving in the right direction and how are we getting there?
Just like there are mile markers along the interstate letting you know where you are and what direction you are going, we need ministry markers to let us know where are kids are at spiritually and what direction they are going. Below is a brief description of ours.
We can spend more time in depth looking at each one but this will give you a good overview and something to think about. This does not have to be anything complicated. Just two or three things for each age level. Simple things that each leader can point to and say, "This is where we are going. By the end of this program/timeframe this is where my group of kids should be."
Of course, I cannot save anyone or make them do something they do not want to do. This is simply a method for me, as a leader, to make sure I am teaching the right material and leading the staff and students in the right direction.
Below is the scripture we use and a few markers we seek to reach by the end of each age group. It's nothing fancy or groundbreaking just something simple to help us make sure we are going in the right direction.
Col 2:6-7 As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.
2&3- Receive. This is a families first introduction to our Kids Ministry. We want to receive toddlers with open arms and show them love. We want families to know their children are safe with us. In turn, toddlers will receive us by having fun and feeling comfortable with our staff.
4&5- Walk. In this age group, students are figuring out how to walk, or how to get around, in the Kids Ministry. They are learning the basics. Students are learning the procedures. They learn how to focus and pray, how to behave in a classroom setting, and what is expected of them.
6&7- Root. Deep development begins here. A foundation and understanding of the doctrine is imparted. By the time students leave this group, we pray they have either received the Holy Ghost & been baptized in Jesus’ name or have an understanding and desire for it. They are beginning to get rooted in the faith.
8&9- Build. These students are under construction. In this group, we strive to help them develop and build a walk with God. We desire them to grow in their Christian lifestyle. We are helping them build on Christian foundations such as- prayer, Bible reading, and giving.
10-12- Establish. This is the finishing stage of the Children’s Ministry. We want preteens to be established spiritually before entering the Youth ministry. Upon entering the youth group, these students should possess a basic understanding of the Bible and a desire to serve in ministry. There should be an established faith and walk with God upon leaving the Children’s Ministry. We desire students to enter their new phase of life confident in their love of God and hungry for more of Him.
These are a few of the things we discuss when focusing on our age groups. I will do my best to take some time and look at each age group more in depth in future posts. It is worth your time to plot a course. We aren't just on a joy ride. We are doing our best to direct kids to heaven and help them reach everything God has in store for their lives. We must make sure we are marking the path clearly and moving in the right direction.