Friday, April 15, 2016

SCORE- Altar Working Session

This weekend I am doing some Children's Ministry training at The Pentecostals of Gainesville. This incredible church is pastored by the one and only Bro. Jeff Arnold. I have been looking forward to this event and can't wait to be with their top-notch Children's Ministry team! Here is a list of the topics I am speaking on:

Friday Night
-SCORE. Effective Altar Working
-Think Small. The Power of Small Things

Saturday Morning
-The Basics of Sunday School
-The Basics of Children's Church
-KerPlunk-Proof KidMin

If you're in the area, feel free to join us as we grow together, hone our abilities and renew our passion for Children's Ministry.   

The attached PDF is the notes for the session I am teaching on praying with kids- SCORE. 

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